Greek Student Documents

Basic Koiné Greek: Course Syllabus

Arnold Tutorial

Liam J. Atchison, Ph.D.                       Fall and Spring 2024      Tuesdays 12:00-1:20 pm

Telephone: 913-952-0756                                            

Office Hours:     Fri. a.m.: 7-Noon                                               


An Introduction to the Greek of the First Century. 


By the end of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Define all the words that occur in the textbook.
  2. Write out the memory paradigms covered in the text.
  3. Parse various parts of speech (verbs, nouns, adjectives, participles) covered in the text.
  4. Accurately translate selected texts from the New Testament.


  • Merkle, Benjamin and Robert L. Plummer. Beginning with New Testament Greek. Nashville: B&H, 2020. ISBN: 978-1433650567 (Required)
  • Braun, Frank Xavier. English grammar for language students: basic grammatical terminology defined and alphabetically arranged. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2013. ISBN: 978-1620328743 (Strongly Suggested)
  • Jongkind, Dirk. An Introduction to the Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge. Wheaton: Crossway, 2019. ISBN: 978-1433552175 (Suggested)


  1. Quizzes 200 pts
  2. Class Participation 100 pts
  3. Midterm Exam #1 100 pts
  4. Final Exam 100 pts

500 pts

  • QUIZZES: A quiz will be given at every class meeting (unless otherwise noted) and will cover the chapter–including vocabulary–indicated in the course schedule. The tutor will only give late quizzes with prior arrangements, but each student can drop four quizzes. 
  • MIDTERMS: The midterm will be December 3.
  • FINAL: The final exam,  March 18, will be comprehensive, covering material from the entire course.


The tutor expects students to be in class and to participate regularly. 


A 450–500 B 400–450 C 350–400 D 300–350 F Below 300


Each student should expect to work at least three hours outside of class for every hour in class. This time should be spent memorizing vocabulary and paradigms, completing the assigned homework, and preparing for quizzes and exams. The tutor will survey the time spent outside of class and reserve the right to adjust the academic load accordingly.


Students are NOT permitted to log in to the Internet or other local networks during class, nor may they use their computers or phones for activities unrelated to class (e.g., games, Facebook, Twitter, or email accounts). 


If the class cannot meet, the instructor will try to set up a Zoom class meeting using his personal Zoom address. Unless otherwise noted, this is the Zoom access link:


Each student will be provided an up-to-thirty-minute office hour Zoom session with the tutor every Friday to use if needed. The instructor is also available via Zoom or Facetime by appointment. Students must sign up for office hours appointments at least two hours in advance on Koalender. Below is the link to use for the calendar:

The Zoom link to reach the instructor on Friday mornings will always be the same:

He may also email supplementary materials between class periods. Of course, he is also available to answer questions via email or text and will try to reply to these questions as quickly as possible. However, it is always prudent to do Greek homework as early in the week as possible to avoid last-minute anxiety.

Students may find more helpful resources for this course online at:

COURSE SCHEDULE: Watch next week’s lesson before coming to the tutorial.  Find it at

Week #DateTo Be Done In ClassQuizzes
1Sept 3Introduction and syllabus Chapter 1 – The Greek Alphabet
2Sept 10 Chapter 2 – First Declension Nouns
3Sept 17Chapter 3 – Second Declension NounsQuiz #1 (ch. 1)
4Sept 24Chapter 4 – The Basics of Greek VerbsQuiz #3 (chs/ 2-3) 
5Oct 1Chapter 5 – Present Indicative VerbsQuiz #4 (ch. 4)
6Oct 8Chapter 6 – Imperfect Indicative VerbsQuiz #5 (ch. 5)
7Oct 15Chapter 7 – Contract VerbsQuiz #6 (ch. 6)
8Oct 22Chapter 8 – PrepositionsQuiz #7 (ch. 7)
9Oct 29Chapter 9 – Personal & Relative PronounsQuiz #8 (ch. 8)
10Nov 5Chapter 10 – Future Indicative VerbsQuiz #9 (ch. 9)
11Nov 12Chapter 11 – First Aorist Indicative VerbsQuiz #10 (ch. 10)
12Nov 19Chapter 12 – Second Aorist Indicative VerbsQuiz #11 (ch. 11)
13Dec 3Midterm
14Dec 10Chapter 13 – Liquid VerbsQuiz #12 (ch.12)
15Dec 17Chapter 14 – Third Declension NounsQuiz #13 (ch. 13)
16Jan 7Chapter 15 – Perfect & Pluperfect Indicative VerbsQuiz #14 (ch. 14)
17Jan 14Chapter 16 – Adjectives & AdverbsQuiz #15 (ch. 15)
18Jan 21Chapter 17 – Present ParticiplesQuiz #17 (ch. 17)
19Jan 28Chapter 18 – Aorist ParticiplesQuiz #18 (ch. 17)
20Feb 4Chapter 19 – Perfect ParticiplesQuiz #19 (ch. 18)
21Feb 11Chapter 20 – Other PronounsQuiz #20 (ch. 19)
22Feb 18Chapter 21 – InfinitivesQuiz #21 (ch. 20)
23Feb 25Chapter 22 – SubjunctivesQuiz #22 (ch. 21)
24Mar 4Chapter 23 – Imperatives & OptativesQuiz #23 (ch. 22)
25Mar 11 Chapter 24 – Mi VerbsQuiz #24 (ch. 23)
26Mar 18Final